116: Ivan Zamorano, Chile, Panini World Cup France 98

This week sees another request post for Cesar and we return to Chile albeit at the other end of the pitch and with fewer armoured cars. That being said today’s subject was briefly the face of Santiago’s ambitious new transport venture which made the Elizabeth Line look like a successful timely project. Maybe the lesson here for any Chilean footballers is to stay away from vehicles and stick to mathematics. Hope this post does the trick Cesar. And for those of you eagerly awaiting request posts from aeons back they are coming in the near future. Honest. The academic year has come to a close and I think it’s fair to say that, by July, staff and students are limping towards the finish line. Public exams are done, internal assessments are all marked and lessons are subject to a combination of school concert rehearsals, extracurricular trips and a fair few mysterious bouts of illness which coincide with cheaper international flights. The tried and tested response to this situation is to fi...